Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Friend is like Four Leaf Clover

owh people this is what is feel right now >.< i miss them damn much :) i cant see the lovely and happy faces of each and everyone of them -.- except Farah in the picture^_^ hurmmm,i know we gonna meet again next semester, but i really miss you dear siblings.

thanks for everything adik-beradikku. seriously, aina anggap korang semua adik-beradik.lagi pun, ini la yang kita selalu sebut2 kan? well,its great to know each of you. all of you are just so amazing :)) i wont forget every single moment i went through with you guys.

i remembered when i first commenced at UIA, PJ. i only have Mira and Nadia because they are my roomate. dear you both, we have went through many things together.and i really hope we'll stick together until the very end of foundation year. and degree jugakk nanti. (*_~)


lots of love,
Aina Nadiah.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kosong Jiwa Ini Tanpa Mereka

ini kisah saya pada Jumaat lalu. okay,asasi dah habis.budak2 matrix pun dah balikkan.jadi kawan2 pun ada.siapa je kwn2 saya dkt sini?mereka lahh~ jadi mana mungkin kepulangan aina nadiah ke Kuala Lumpur jika tidak bertemu dengan Eein.tidak sempurna rasanya. kerana saya terlalu nak makan pizza sejak 2 minggu lalu, saya ajak eein utk lunch bersama :) and Aisyah pun join kami . hee :PP

ni la budak yang craving for pizza sgt2 tu >.<
island supreme with cheesy lava was super delicious~

im closed to asya first rather than eein.

my superman :)

and masih ada masa.(mama just ckp balik sebelum pukul 5).
jadi kami decide utk karaoke atau bowling :) and we chose bowling!
 bila dh start main, kami deal ; siapa kalah belanja ice cream>.< hehehe~

muka ketakutan.memikirkan mungkin dia yang akan mengalami kekalahan.

she was leading us after asya:P

see,see. dia semakin bersemangat.setelah 2 ke 3 kali spare.
.haaaa,tidak lagi di bawah skali scorenya!
dia semakin yakin.dan akhirnya, kekalahan bukan miliknya!
yes.huhuhuhuhu.eein belanja ice cream.
lastly,i sent them back! bye -.-
so until we meet again~

sbg konklusi kepada kepulangan saya kali ini,saya gembira. :DD
tidak mungkin saya akan meninggalkan kuala lumpur tanpa berjumpa dgn rakan2 tercinta :)
yes, at least my eein!



xoxo : LadyLurve~

Be Grateful :)


Saturday, April 23, 2011


assalamualaikum semua :)
selamat berhujung minggu :P

okay.aina nadiah dah x sabar nk pegi pesta buku.
abah hantar dekat tren.
then,pegi PWTC sendiri.
sumpah,org ramai gilaaaaa >.<

wee~meet wan fatin athirah.
hey,specky!last week jmp pakai lens ea?my BFF!
seronok sgt dpt jumpa.tapi x se-excited last week.

setelah membuat perjanjian dengan Ruby.yes,berjaya jumpa di Karangkraf~
met Sya too.Sya was my dormmate back than masa kat Seseri.means dia pon Dendro la kan.
yeah,she is veiled already.dia cantik okay :)
left to right : RUBY,ENNA,SYA

ini memang kebetulan:) kejadian yang tidak disangka>.< 
met Anis Nur Amalina :)
my primary schoolmate :) dia mcm kawan baik sya la dekat matrix!
 what a small world? x sangka ohhh.
bayangkan lepas 7 tahun, jumpa balik! yeay~

see..Ruby and her cousin Farah sibuk pilih magazine :)
yeay.Farah pun UIA peeps jugaa.budak engine :) baru berkenalan >.<
and glad to know she is schoolmate of Izzati's. my roomie dekat Nilai :P
they are SEMSASians~!hoyeahhh...
SM Sains Sultan Haji Ahamd Shah,Kuantan~
betu lah kot -.-

this is Ruby.and masa sekolah dulu dia bangga la nama dia ada dlm periodic table kn.Rubidium~ehe.she was my chemistry mentor when i was F5.ketua dorm jugak.and dia lahh BUJANG sorang lagi selain Nawal.ouhh,rindunyaaa~

met: Nurul study dekat AAJ,UM!nnt dia fly pegi Jepun ohh.bestnya :)
also,my Physics mentor.ngee :DD dia pun Dendrobian~

actually ada gambar kami berempat!dalam phone dalila yg paling oke :D
nak.please?upload tau ^_^

magazines that i bought

yeah.terbaru dari Hlovate and Syud.
mine already
.actually 1000 first copies of Contengan Jalanan ada autograf Hlovate,
tapi dah habis:/
ouh,tak kisah pun.

inilah hasil belian saya pada hari ini.

ermm,had lunch with sya at KFC,The Mall.
the place where all seserians would love to go.hahahaha.
and finally balik!we hugged and hope to meet again :)

Nuuril Amni,ada rezeki kita pergi minggu depan.together-gether.
and hopefully dapat jmp Aliah Asarani jugakkk~

Have a nice day.Happy Saturday~

xoxo : LadyLurve~

Birthday Suprise~


yes,and as you all know im exactly 19. i didnt expect anything from everyone although a little hope on my parents.hee :P this year my birthday fall on Tuesday. means i was stuck in Nilai. had my class as usual. but i do appreciate when people remember my birthday and they did wished me. A simple wish can make me feel happy and smile a along the day.

even it is just a wish,"aina,happy birthday".when i was walking to class~

and of course not only that.although we were busy with class,assignments and whatsoever endless works that need to  be done, still there are something from them!i didnt expected it at all. let me tell you :)
i went down to cafeteria as usual to eat together with Meny,Farah,Khai,Zati and Madi as well.and i remembered i brought along my lappy.hee :) online+makan.Meny was enjoying football match at that time.then all of them were off to room.left me and Meny.

when Meny and I entered the room, i was a bit suprised as there was no one in the room. i monologue "mana semua pegi?bukan semua dah naik ke?". never mind.suddenly.gelap! eh,tade current ke?.......
 "Happy Birthday" song blared from them. and a cake~ i was so shocked.

as you can see, there are my roomates since semester 1. thanks for everything guys are one of the best thing that ever happen in my life.

the above picture,Meny and the picture below is Farah.for this semester i am really close to both of them.okay poeple,act they were the mastermind of the day.i really appreciate it guys.i knew that you guys,jalan kaki then redah hujan pergi Tesco!

the incomplete of the moment i really miss the others. i love you guys till the end.i learned a lot from our friendship.its priceless. and just want you to know, all of you are IRREPLACEABLE.
eventhough it is just a little celebration, im so touched.yet so memorable.thanks a lot my siblings.

as what Meny said,"moment itu penting".yeah:) thanks everybody who wished me through FB,SMS,called~
and i would like to say,sorry azim.!i was talking to other when u called me.yeah,faiz called time tu. eventhough you've to wait just to wish me,i really appreciate it!and thanks a lot for dropping by dataran and gave brownies and tiramisu :) wee~ and Eka,Anna ingat eka nyanyi bfo bday tu.thanx taw.

and right after Muet on family came~yeay :) mama bawak pi makan2. and my sis gave a present. Romp shirt! and today,just now! my mum gave me something."nah,hadiah birthday"."thanks ma" hee:) mama bg perfume!

May God bless you i am getting older, im hoping the best in everything i do.
hey,age is only a number peeps.(my twin sis wrote in her blog)

thats all.
Have a nice day.

lots of love,
Aina Nadiah :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tagged by NosyMosh

adakah anda rasa anda hot?
haruslahh,kadang2~ hee ;))

upload wallpaper PC/lappy
image souce TUMBLR~

story about the picture
actually enna slalu tuka2 pun baru tuka smlm.selepas teramat rindu dgn my girlfriend,gang,and bestie.

kali terakhir anda makan ayam
semalam.masa lunch :) ayam dlm masak paprik!

lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
Count On Me-Bruno Mars

apa yang anda sedang lakukan selain menyelesaikan tag ini
berada di depan TV yg tidak terbuka.haha :))

selain nama sendiri, anda dipanggil apa?
enna,chu kang,naina,kak cik,adik :) ada lagi kot^_^

tag 8 blogger

1) Aisyah Abd Aziz
2) Nurul Nadiah Nordin
3)Kartini Ishak
5)Amira Eyaa
6)Mia Dendro :)
7)Mufidah Mohamed

siapakah no.1 anda tag?

dia adalah bestfriend saya.sejak darjah satu tau :) i love you.

katakan sesuatu tentang no.5 yang anda tag

miraaaaa~one of my bestfriend dkt CFS.roomate since dr PJ lg~ ehe.

orang yg ke-3 ditag berhubungan dengan siapa?

owh tiada.dia sgt low profile :) i know her! but i guess byk guys suka kot!wee :P

bagaimana dengan no.4

owh dia budak asis!kenal2 through Facebook je pon~mmg friendly! tup tup.bdk uia jugakk.haha :)

pesanan buat no.6

mia,aina rindu mia kot^_^ nk jmp sgt~i miss the moment lepak ngn mia kt bilik study~masa F4,sama2 kt dendro 2.hee :))

kata-kata cinta buat no.2

how ea? my doctor love, thanx for being there when i need you:) i know you deserved a very good guy in your life :) its all about time!

adakah no.7 dan 8 mempunyai persamaan?

hah,mereka? lol~ setahu saya mereka baru berkenalan>.< dua2 pon kawan saya :))

berikan 5 perkara yang anda tahu tentang orang yang anda tag di no.1

> nama penuh: nur aisyah abd aziz
> pelajar lepasan matrix pulau pinang
> cheerful,a bit sensitive
>baru shj berpindah kembali ke KL~

persamaan lembu dan kambing
dua2 pon boleh buat sup :)

perasaan ketika menjawab tag ini
enjoy shj~rindu kawan2~

adakah anda tahu Rizman tu sengal?
siapakah makhluk tuhan ini???lol~

gay or less
boooooooo.dua dua pon tak!


Mimi,thanks for tagging me :)

xoxo : LadyLurve~

Two Girls and A Friendship

cheers :)

her called just now was enough to make me burst into tears.
kamek sayang kitak.

we are an awesome combination

the one who really took care of me.
sport is our favourite
vacation together
ready to help when im in trouble
my make-up artist

here goes our theme song.
still remembered?


Recipe for a Good Friendship :)

2 heaping measures of trust
2 well rounded scoops of respect
2 generous portions of affection
2 equal amounts of sharing

Stir together until lumps and bumps are dissolved.

_ ANM :) _

I Know Exactly What You Mean

seriously,i miss her.the way she talk,says everything to me.when we were on the phone.and yes everything.hurmm,lemme tell you.there's a conflict between us perhaps over months ago.and it messed up my mind for all this while.down.feeling blue.

when she first wrote at my FB wall. -enna,miss u:)- yeah,i think its a good start.i do miss her a lot too.since she's on so long holiday and break,i commented back. i decided to catch up some stories with her.

and tonight the truth totally should change your perception, aina! "tula fikir lagi bukan2", she said. and we had sooooo long chat after all.can you imagine? talk to your love one after quite a long time? we reminisced back how we met over years we missed the moment! and shared everything that we missed. i tell her everything. how i went through the hard times that day? and she was all ears for me. she advice me a lot. thank you, girlfriend.

NURUL FATINI WAZIR, my world will be dark without you.thats not your faults.i understand.thanks for awesome girlfriend like you is a gift from heaven. i really appreciate what you said,we meant to be together.and for sure, i am looking forward to meet you again.


you are like a beautiful rainbow to me,
who makes me smile,
when i've been through a storm.

some of my entry about her.

first time i met her :)

ok my dear,i'll pray for you.semoga kamu dapat further degree dekat UIA as you wish.

lots of love,

Bus Mini =.=

hello.salam ceria! :))
im home :) yeay (^0^)

okay.saya pendekkan cerita.utk pulang ke rumah dari CFS, saya perlu meniki beberapa kenderaan(mcm hiperbola je.taklah byk pon).erm,biasanya telefon je pacik2 teksi tu.dia dtg terus la hantar ke KTM!tetapi hari ini,saya experience naik bas mini. >.< can u imagine? ada lagi tau! hee :) saya pulang bersama rakan sekelas.ahha, DINI~

pada mulanya kami menanti kehadiran bas mini itu di bawah satu pohon yg rendang sambil menghirup udara yg agak segar.(tepi jalan.taklah sgt kn).menikmati angin sepoi2 bahasa. "aina tau x,bas baru je lepas.aina la ni lambat"."ouh yeke?sorry la -.- tapi x lama kn dy nk dtg balik:. "lambat la jugak sbb ada satu je". huh! kami terus menunggu dgn penuh kesabaran~

dan bas pun sampai.setelah sekian lama tak naik bas awam, saya agak excited.hurmm, akhirnya sampai la jugakk walaupun lambat. mengapa? bas itu slow =.= kesimpulannya, bas buruk! tapi murah! selamat jugak sampai ke destinasi.

ni masa dalam bas mini tuhh!
its blue in colour~

and after that i board KTM! and yg lecehnya,kne tukar pulak nk pegi sentul.since saya kesian nk suruh abah amik dekat KL Sentral. its 530 pm at that time~ mesti jalan jem punya. hee :) and tidak seperti biasa,saya turun di stesen Kuala Lumpur^_^ not bad -.- 

saya memerhatikan pelbagai gelagat manusia :P

thats all~
have a nice day :D

xoxo : LadyLurve~

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yeah, I AM 19 babe ~

salam :)
act i turned 19 on 12 April 2011 :P

(lambat pulak update)

and thanks to all the wishes friends ; via FB.sms.
and some who called me.
really appreciate it.
may Allah bless you all.

she is 19.

and im not alone celebrate my day!

my birthdaymate
my twin sister

pretty :D

and i'm very glad to share my birthday with her. fyi,we known each other since 2010.and become closer and closer day by day.yeah.she is happy-go-lucky!she always there when i need her.thanks tini for lending me your ears and advice me~lawyer-to-be,all the best! hope to meet you soon. and celebrate our day together :)

may our SISTERHOOD remains forever.
you are the best.

and and i got Rashid Rosman who shared the same date~
Happy Birthday mate!

will update soon about my birthday again.what they did for me.hee ;P

xoxo : LadyLurve~

YOU complete me :)

pretty.adorable :)

hello dear readers.
like finally i got a chance to meet you :)

hey,im using purple :) 

thanks to you and your mother.although it is a short meet up,i really enjoyed and had fun with you.we catch up quite a lot of story!ahha,nice chat. ermm, we have quite a lot of things in common kan ? hee :) sorry :( i dont have any special things to give you like what u did! and yes our friendship is one of the greatest gift :) wan fatin athirah, you are one of the best thing that ever happened in my life~

until we meet again :P ILY♥♥♥