Saturday, December 20, 2014

Taaruf Week #1

So yeah, saja nak abadikan kenangan dalam blog usang ini agar aku mampu melihat kembali memori bila2 masa mungkin aku terlupa saat2 manis hidup ini.

First time when I was selected to become one of the Taaruf commitee, I was so happy. I got thrilled. sebab semua org cakap seronok jadi komiti taaruf ni. dah la baru balik dari Program Anak Angkat waktu tu. I never thought that everything comes at once. Kiranya cuti semester yang lalu, mcm tak cuti lah. Kena berkampung di UIA utk dua minggu. Jadi sebelum tu, kami dibawa ke Pahang utk induction. I had fun, kenal dengan ramai kumpulan kawan2 yang baru :D

 Ready to go for water shooting :)

Serba sedikit, aku dapat Biro Prep & Tech. deal dengan barang lah ceritanya bukan manusia. HAHA. best juga tau. pengalaman baru bersama orang yang baru, dua minggu mengadapa muka sama mmg jadi rapat lah. makan sama, main game sama, tgk movie sama, and yang paling penting buat kerja sama2. byk juga lah rahsia di CAC main hall tu aku tau. semua tempat aku jelajah, teroka. ceewaaahhh :D

Bila taaruf dah habis hari terakhir tu, ada Appreciation Dinner :D yayy. makan sedap and semua pun gembira. cukup la kot sekadar ini. saja aina nadiah nak coretkan sbb memori dia 2GB ja. haha. terlanggar dinding lupa habis -.- okay bye~

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Baktisiswa 2014

Assalamualaikum, dear readers :D

Ini kali pertama saya join program seumpama ini :D 
Baktisiswa dan Program Anak Angkat. 

Many universities in Malaysia did this kind of program too. And for some, they even did it overseas like my cousin, she went to Indonesia for Program Anak Angkat :D

It was organized by Sendi Club. So, after went through meetings, discussions, and etc etc, we had successfully managed to held this program. On the 16th to 19th January 2014, we went to Kampung Rumpun Makmur, Temerloh, Pahang Darul Makmur. The journey from IIUM to Temerloh was about 3 hours by bus~ Owh, forgot to mention, together with us the 40 members of Sendi club, we bring along 7 kids from Persatuan Kebajikan dan Anak-anak Yatim Al-Nasuha.

We reached Rumpun Makmur around 5 pm on the 16th January. after the opening ceremony, we were given one foster family to be/live with during our stay. Aina dapat mak dan abah yang baik hati sangat. Alhamdulillah. Together with me was Nana and Adibah. But they were coming on the second day. On the first night, I was all alone :P We gathered at the mosque after Isya', discussed few matters and prepared for tomorrow activities.

On the 17th January, in the morning, we gathered at the main hall and did exercise there before everything started. We were divided into two teams. One team will be going to the school to have some activities with the primary school kids. and the other team will stay at the Rumpun Makmur for gotong royong :D Aina Nadiah pergi ke sekolah ye :) bersama kanak-kanak riang disana. SK GUNONG SENYUM :D Saya tak pernah tengok suasana sekolah dan murid-murid di sekolah luar bandar atau pun kampung. Mereka kelihatannya sedikit pendiam jika saya nak bandingkan dengan Sri Delima(sekolah rendah saya dahulu). Mereka sangat gembira dengan kehadiran kami. Mungkin kurang bercakap, tapi sentiasa tersenyum :D Guru-duru juga sangat baik orangnya~ Beberapa aktiviti telah kami jalankan di sana mengikut modul-modul yang telah ditetapkan. ohooo, had a breakfast there too. Nasi Lemak with the school teachers~ Wee.

Okay, after Zuhur, Ziarah Bakti :D We went to few houses. Bagi bantuan dan sumbangan. The first house that I went to was this old woman yang dah uzur living with his son. We had a chat and then off to another house. It reminds me of my grandparents as they are no longer in this world. May their soul rest in peace. The second house we went to was this macik that has anak kurang upaya. Her daughter is 8 years old. Tapi tak boleh buat apa2, hanya terbaring sahaja. Ya Allah, masa tu memang rasa bersyukur sangat Allah bagi nikmat, lahir dan boleh membesar dengan sempurna. And the last house we went to was this atuk, pun dah tua juga. dia cakap panggil dia aki(macam dalam Pada Zaman Dahulu punya kartun tu) hihi :) Baik dan tabah sangat orangnya. Tinggal seorang tapi still ada anak-anak yang selalu balik menjenguk. Memang rindu sangat kat tokwan Aina masa ni. Daripada aktiviti ziarah ni, banyak benda la kami boleh rasa :)

Hari tu juga kami ada Bacaan Yaasin di masjid petang tu. Macik2 di Kg Rumpun Makmur bawa kuih-muih yang banyak dan sedap untuk makan petang tu. Dan pada sebelah malamnya kami ada ceramah perdana daripada pensyarah UIA :D

On the third day, we went to Gunung Senyum :D Before this Aina dah pernah panjat Gunung Angsi(CFS dulu) and Broga Hill(1st year) even though Aina bukan la minat sangat benda2 macam ni. HAHA. Tapi gunung ni lain sikit. Dia adalah gunung bergua. Ada tangga, so tak perlu nak hiking macam naik gunung or bukit yang lain tu. Hehe.

Hari ketiga ni mmg penat sikit. Sebelah petangnya, kami ada Sukan Rakyat :D macam2 games kami main. Galah panjang, bola beracun, macam2 lagi lah. Ramai orang kampung turun padang, dari yang kanak2,dewasa dan warga emas pun join sekali walaupun time tu hujan renyai2. huhu. Ini pun kali pertama Aina experience benda macam ni. Sporting juga dorang semua ni. Layan gambar je lah ye. (eh gambar sukan rakyat takde pulak, hmm kat handphone orang lain lattew)

Malam tu juga, kami ada Malam Kebudayaan. pheww, memang letih lah. Hiho. Tapi taklah semua orang terlibat. Ada persembahan daripada orang kampung, pelajar Uia, dan kanak2 yang kami bawa bersama tu :) Okay, habis cerita hari ketiga. Balik memang tidur lena sbb letih sangat~

BLURR!! Aina, Adibah, our Mak, and Nana

Adik-beradik angkat suatu waktu di Rumpun Makmur dulu :P

Adibah dengan Nana, pelajar Econs majoring in Accounting :D

Hari keempat dan terakhir di Kampung Rumpun Makmur. Ada majlis rewang dan makan2. umpamanya macam kenduri lah :) Kami masak bersama orang2 kampung :) Sekali dengan majlis penutup lah selepas tu. Makanan2 tu mmg betul2 mcm lauk kenduri kawen :D hehe. selepas majlis penutup tu, sempat la kami ronda2 sekejap, singgah kenal2 rumah mak angkat kawan2 yang lain :D

Lewat petang 19 Januari itu,kami bertolak pulang ke UIA :) :D Kami tiba di UIA lebih kurang pukul 9 malam dengan membawa seribu kenangan dari Temerloh :D Mak Abah, terima kasih untuk semunya. Jaga makan mminum kami 4 hari ni, bagi tempat tinggal yang selesa, bagi kami motor supaya senang nak bergerak, hantar kalau risaukan kami bila nak pergi beraktiviti, bagi Aina drive kereta abah. hehe :D Thank youuuuu!!!!

ni Puan Aisah. banyak sangat bantu kami daripada sebelum pergi sampailah hari kejadian ada di sana :D

Insha allah, kalau umur panjang ada kelapangan, saya akan kembali ke Rumpun Makmur :D

Fuyooo, saya tulis panjang. Hihi. Tata.

Ramadhan Day 5~

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Retreat Sendi Club

Assalamualaikum :) ini kisah Januari yang lalu. saya tetap nak tulis juga agar memori ini takkan hilang begitu sahaja. saya tahu dah lama, 6 bulan yang lalu. maybe some of you might be wondering, Sendi Club? apa tu? It is one of the club in IIUM that I joined under CENSERVE~ all the clubs under CENSERVE ni mcm have the aim to serve for the betterment for the ummah. Macam2 la jenisnya which targetted different group of people with various purposes. Eh panjang pulak mukaddimah. (excited lama tak tulis blog) Hehe.

So on 12th, 13th, and 14th January, we had our Strategic Planning and Management Training for our new tenure 2013/2014 at the Kem Perah, FRIM, Kepong :) Just like last year, I went to the same place. Before we headed to FRIM, we had our breakfast at the NZ Curry House, Gombak. I just had a common breakfast which was Roti Canai Telur and Teh Tarik. After having our breakfast, we went to the camp straight away. 

We played few games during the ice breaking session. Fyi, most of us in the management board line up is a newbie. This is one of the ways to get to know each others well. It went well I guess and we enjoyed it.

In the evening, we went to the nearest waterfall and had fun there. Budak lelaki mandi terjun swimming apa semua lah. Haha. As for me I enjoyed playing UNO cards atas batu with some others :) and during the night, we had our BBQ prepared by seniors :) Thank you. Hee.

Basically, we learnt how to manage the club, the do's and the dont's and few other matters. We stayed at the camp for 2D 1N only. The next day, we had discussions, presentations and our future planning for the club. After Zuhur, around 230 pm, we left the camp :)

saja acah-acah. haha

Till then,

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ramadhan 2014

Assalamualaikum Dear readers :) 
I think it is still not late for me to wish all my Muslim friends,
Salam Ramadhan, Selamat Berpuasa~
Semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih baik daripada tahun sebelumnya.
Sama-samalah kita berusaha.


Friday, June 27, 2014

June has come to an end. Ramadhan is coming in a day :) I am thinking of to blog about what I've went through this six months started from January. Been to few places with friends and family. Many things happened too in between~ arrggghhhh!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Study Week

My examination will start on 28th May 2014 and will end on 8th June 2014. I love to be at home. Who doesn't right? Somehow, being at home during revision period is very challenging. I got to juggle myself with everything. It takes more than just your 'semangat' to open your book, read and everything when everything is so good. The food, television, parents and siblings are lepaking, chit-chatting and so on so forth....Grrrr! Ahhh, lets enjoy it first while it lasts :D I am hoping for the best. Never mind, will be going back to my university earlier :) because in this such circumstances, home is NOT ideal, but IIUM is :D Hehe.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A long hiatus


Helloooooo everyone. *waving hands*

My last post was on February 2013. Owh my, I have been neglecting this blog more than a year -.- It was like I stopped out of sudden because of some reasons perhaps. *ada juga this one friend cakap and ask me to continue writing in this blog* Hey I am so bored right now in this small compartment of mine in this room yadayada and yeaah here am I :) Well, it is already May. Few things have changed which I am not going to tell or write here. Lol.

Errmmm, final examination is just around the corner. I have done with most of the classes. It has been one hectic and wonderful semester this time. but thank God, everything went well though there are some difficulties along the way. Life seems good and it keeps offering me a lot of things to be experienced. Other than academic or society stuffs, I learnt that to love and appreciate people more and more. To take a good care of myself. To love and put my heart in whatever things I do. To ignore what people say about me if it is not true. To put effort for what I want. To always be with people who spread positive vibes. And lots more!

I am now already in my 3rd year. Pengajian ini berbaki lagi setahun. Doakan semoga aku tabah nak habiskan semua ini, apa yang aku telah mulakan. Moga semuanya dipermudah Tuhan. I love to study here in the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Terus kuat nak redah hari muka. This one thing keeps crossing my mind lately. There is a dream that I would like to pursue and make it reality ever since I was a little girl. Pray hard and keep your finger crossed. Friends, I pray that your mind, body and soul will always be in a good condition wherever you are. I hope you'll do the same thing. Your 'doa' is all I ask for.

I will stop now. and I don't know when I will come back.

Aina Nadiah.