Assalamualaikum :)
Hello. Hi.
Happy New Year, people! I hope it is not that late, well yeah a week has passed. How are you? You lah, you just crossed my mind. Hehe. I hope you are doing good, wherever you are. So, what is/are your new resolution(s)? To me, probably just the same like the previous year but there are some improvements or changes to be made ;') 2015 has been good with it ups and downs and it passed like in a blink of an eye.
I am turning 24. How does it feel eehhhh? Hurmmm, since I embarked my masters degree programme, my world turned. The atmosphere is different. I couldn't say much neither good nor bad. But really I always feel that I am the the lowest and weakest point of myself. Too bad! Few friends told me that I am not alone. They are like me, thus we are in the same boat. So, kalau tengah down2 tu, diri kita je yang boleh buat kita happy. Tontengtonteng kejap dengan kawan. I HOPE I WILL GET THERE. Slowly, but surely. Please, Aina move and be strong :D Your efforts too must be double up (my friend's advice)
I am so sooooo tired lah masih ada lagi manusia manusia yang dok kata HUMANITIES subjects/courses senang! OMG OMG! Mai datang and try belajaq buleh dak? Tak larat lah dok dengaq hakikat course2 yang susah tu depa blajaq lagu nak pecah kepalaaaaa. Sungguh kot nooo. Rajin sangat dok compare hat ni senang hat tu susah. Ewaaaahhhhhh. Dok bangga tak kena gaya. Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, berilah aku kekuatan hati dan ingatan, serta lapangkan dadaku untuk terima ilmu. Amiiiinnnnn.
Semoga tahun ini membawa beribu-ribu kebaikan dalam kehidupan kita semua :') Doa dimakbulkan, hajat kesampaian, impian dapat dilaksanakan, janji dapat ditunaikan. Moga sentiasa dapat redha Tuhan.