"pasal lmbt sgt nihh"
then aku call abah.tut...tut...
aku: helo abah,abah kt mne?
abah: kt rumah la.
aku: eh,abah x amik ke?
abah: balik ke?okok.abah kuwa skrg.
the rest is history.
seronok sgt dpt blk tiap2 mggu cmni.jarang dpt peluang yg sebegini best..best..best..best..eventhough fira called me 'pondan' but i dont care.i still wanna go back home.ye la org dh bg,balik je lorhhh.byk lg mse nk dok kt skola tuhh.seseri yg tersyg.u know why she called me pondan?coz last week also i go back home.she stay at the school.she tried to be GAGAH.gagah la sgt.blah la fira.but then diz week dye pon blk jugak.ko pon 'pondan' la.haha.and so so she called me 'pondan square'.whatever!oh anyways throughout diz week,harder.jpwp trial is difficult than sbp trial that day.why???who said jpwp is easier than sbp?huh.dgn jadual pekse yg 'menggile',ape yg aku bley buat.i just did my very best la.rse mcm nk nanges tp aku x nanges.everyday we had to switch our brain as fast as we can bcoz of da subject yg jauh berbeza dr paper sblmnye.dr tgh buat ADDMATH,then english ESSAY.what the...ermm,tgn dh sakit2 buat karangan bm about 8 pages,10 min lps tuhh,bm paper 2 yg jugee kene byk menulis.then EST paper 1.pon ade karangan lg.huh.tatau la nk dpt pew.its ok.byk paper yg dh lepas.i'll strive for chemistry n physics within diz 2 days.n also the pearl lahh.ms.dura said the paper jauh lebih susah dr sbp ari tuhh.=(
hoho,today we had our buka puase outside.huh,sdp sgt mkn td.=]
kakak sayang adek...
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