Thursday, July 29, 2010

manage your time :)

dear blog :)
hee =.=
okayy,enough about exam.
im really satiesfied with  my arabic marks.
alhamdulillah.(thumbs up).

sudah 3 mlm sy ke meeting.meeting ARC,meeting hisbah,etc,etc.
kinda tired with all these thingy~
bila balik ke bilik,biasanya dh penat ohhh.
ting,terus TERtidur =.=
terpaksalah mencari masa2 lain utk menyiapkan segala homework,assignment,project~
okayy.okayy.masih mampu relax.
hee ;)

"mse campus life ni awk kne pndai jage diri.makan,minum, awk.itu semua akn effect pointer awk nnt.klau yg pegang2 jwtn tu,jgn aktif smpi abaikan pelajaran.kena seimbangkan study dgn koko"


okayy,its sports time.hehe~
enna masok netball.smlm menang.cayalahhh!
melepaskan geram stlh lame x bersukan.
i miss basketball too!
penat gilaaa~

~the team~

well,today we got match again!with the other team.huh'(plizz,jgn buat muke cm2.tau la korg terror.player2 kebangsaan sume).team aina,go go go.ohhyeeahhh.kte boleh tau.menang kalah belakang kira.klo kalah pon bermaruah okayy.yg penting kte ENJOY!!!!sure best je maen nnt~

owh,the past few days,nilai tade air.warrggghhhh!and all my class on that day was cancel.
huhu.ape kaitannye dgn tade air kn???ngee :D
ask the lecturer laa. (=

and and makhluk bernama aina nadiah menjadi seperti org yg berpuasa walaupun pd hakikatnye tidak.OMG~they know why.nk fly balik rmh boleh je tp dah takot utk bertindak sedemikian rupa.hahax~tape la,weekend ni nk balik rumah dh.

hehs,merapu je.back to the main topic,i have to manage my time wisely!if not,belajar ke mane...sume ke mane!lalalalalala T_____Tall the best enna~

enna lahh (",)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cayalaaaahhh~ mane netball skang.. abe la seha pasnie.. rinduuu nk maen netball! :( kat cni asyik2 xjd.. netball slalooooo xjd.. arghh! badminton..badminton..borinkkk!