Sunday, June 5, 2011

The end of holiday :)

im going to write it in point form. well, here it goes~

1. so, my semester break is coming to its i mentioned to you before. well it is just a 3 weeks holiday. so short.i couldnt do all the things i wish.

2. i spent my time at home most of the time :) as usual, doing the chores. mcm org gaji terhormat la kan~

3. since, there's nothing to do saya sempat la jugak layan TV! mcm2. and saya tgk Imam Muda, cartoons and mcm2 lagi~ hee :))

4. every saturday night i join my family watch AF! maybe some of you might say "alaaah,x best.mcm ape je." x kisah. everyone got their opinion.

5. i went to Kuantan, attend my sister's convocation day~ and back to Kedah for my cousins a chance to me cuzzies and relatives :))

6. met my eein and asya. as far as i remember, we went to Metropolitan and yeahhh to Jln TAR and Sogo.

7. met Aliah and Izwani. went to school to take SPM certificate. met few teachers too. was so happy to step my foot back to the place where i've been before.

8. okay, since this holiday my followers is increasing :) hee. luckily, i know most of them~

9. FB connecting people right? ngee :S through FB i keep in touch with my besties and friends. and the best thing is with my twin sister, Kartini. im going to miss her a lot. she never fails to lend her hand or ears for me. thanks a lot my dear!

10. Skype-ing with my Fatini for about 1h 45m. wee~ we talked so manyy things about ourselves.sharing problems. and i learnt a lot. and i do hope she'll fine and strong. yelahh, mcm mna kan.kami tinggal jauh!

11. hmmm, saya tak sempat nak baking. :(

p/s : tak tahu kenapa tulisan itu colouful sangaaaat!


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