Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Queen in my heart :)

Happy 53th Birthday, MAMA ♥♥♥

Okay, I would like to take this opportunity to write something here :P

Thanks for everything mama. you've been such a good and great mum to me. sorry for all my wrongdoings (raya2 nanti mintak ampun lagi -.-) and bad attitudes towards you, sorry! :( i never meant to do so. kadang2 terkecilkan hati mama. -.- one thing, I want you to know, how lucky am I to be one of your child. Grateful. you always give me the best. bagi didikan, tunjuk ajar dr kecik lagi. bimbing ke jalan yg lurus. I remembered this year I've received the most amazing text ever from you mama :) I burst into tears when I read it. one when was my birthday and one more when you were in Makkah performing Umrah. that time, I was waiting to enter the exam hall >.< sebak sangat. thank for the doa. Mama, thanks for all your concern. ask me about studies, books, money! bawak pegi jumpa doc bila ada cela2 yg teruk di muka. habiskan duit beli produk2 moga muka nadia cantik. hik3~ layan mengada-ngada nak itu ini. Thanks a lot! Bila nadia mintak maaf dekat mama, mama selalu kata takpe, sbb tu semua tanggungjawab mama. hee. (my time will come soon). So mama, semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan semakin bahagia :D

Dah ada cucu, bahagia lattew :P

she always reminds me to be strong.
pastinya ada hikmah di setiap apa yg berlaku.
Think. Think.

I really love you and always will.


Shower of love,
Nadia :)

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