Saturday, May 14, 2011

Semester Break :)

salam everyone :)
olla :D

finally this short semester has come to its end. and and I'M HOME :P yeay yeay yeay~ hehehehe. well, it will last for only 3 weeks~ and i will be in Nilai again >.< for my very last semester.insya'allah :) and for some of them, they are not coming back to Nilai anymore as they only wait to enter main campus. bestnyaaa :P awww, jealous la jugak sikit2 kan -.- haha! i really hope my result will be fine although BMW paper was just killed me.huh-.-

if before this my dormmates Anis and Azue had left me, now Meny and Farah. the one who used to be my close friends this semester. we did many things together. makan. they are ready to help me in everything :) aina kn jadi mcm2 pelik sem 3 nihh.hehehe.i enjoyed every moment with you both.wee~

FARAH : the one who understand me quite well. paling penting, my sleeping time :P and how i sleep? lol~ the one who'll ask me what i wanna eat.sbb nk order!then aina biasalahh."cakap mcm keling"hua3~paling aina ingat."menu tu takkan penah berubah". one more thing, hobi farah is mengacau semua org :P hehe.

AMNI : my robot comel. :) :D wuwuwu.lemme tell u.hee :) kami katil atas bawah.meja study sebelah2. so no wonder rapat la kan>.< and she's kind. aina paling ingat masa beli baju kt sogo, lol~ "meny bukan gegirl mcm aina". hahahahaha~ funny ^_^ and and we could control our emotion kn smlm :) wink3~ clap.clap. i'll go to your house one fine day :P

banyak la benda kita dah buat sama sama kan sem ini :)
TAKE CARE, Fara and Meny.
until we meet again.

and not forget ASNA, goodbye dear.take care.gonna miss you.since you are the only schoolmate i have here :) nasib baik sempat jumpa bfo balik semalam >.< owh owh Alia Fuad ada lagi next sem.....

to other friends, dont worry. im not left you behind.and still love you. hee~

btw, see the pictures above. what an AWESOMEEEE ending of semester 3. :P i was like terkejut gilaaaa when she stood behind me out of nowhere. aina nak pegi exam BMW time tuhh. i shouted,screamed, and yelled!azueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ boleh pulak dia kata, " Kuching-KL dekat aje ". what a suprise. bcos only Fara know that she'll come. miss you a lot. tak sempat nak sembang panjang and lamaaaaa-.-

i think i should write my TO-DO-LIST for this holiday>.<
alahhhh, 3 minggu je pon aina =.=
eh eh, saya ada banyakkkk moviesssss yg kne tgk.hahaha~

azam : kurang online :) hee :P

xoxo : LadyLurve~

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