Tonight I cant sleep early like I usually did the previous nights. hehe. I found some questionaire and here it goes.
1. Berapakah umur anda ketika mula-mula pakai tudung?
Actually when I was 5 sbb itu tadika Islam, so wajib veiled. Tapi budak2 lagi kan, takde lah dekat luar pun pakai tudung >.< and I admit,I'm a bit jahil la kot dulu. and aina pakai tudung pergi sekolah pun masa umur 12 :P sebelum tu pinnafore bagai. That was me~ Well, when I was 13, I've decided to wear hijab, fully! Tak jadi masalah sebab mama dan kakak2 saya juga bertudung :)
2. Siapa yang buat anda terpengaruh memakai tudung?
It comes naturally from my heart rasanya. sebab tiada paksaan langsung dr family. Plus, being a community of Islamic School, takkan la nak free-hair? at first aina fikir mcm tu, malu lah if jumpa senior2 dekat luar, tapi lama2 aina fikir, kan menutup aurat tu tuntutan agama. although i know i am not covering it in a proper way, at least I try my best :)
3. Apa maksud hijab/tudung pada anda?
HIJAB?TUDUNG? things which can cover your head as well your aurah :) melambangkan keperibadian juga :)
4. Macammana anda hadapi rintangan atau kesukaran ketika memakai tudung?
Alhamdulillah, since bertudung and up until now, aina tak pernah rasa susah mahupun sukar. Maybe we are lucky coz we live in Malaysia, Muslim is the highest population kan :) Unlike other country, they discriminate org yg bertudung :'(
5. Apa perkara yang paling menarik ketika memakai tudung?
Macam macam! as for me, kalau dulu aina just pakai that evergreen tudung bawal je :P and now due to perkembangan fesyen yg pelbagai sgt2, i love all those shawls, pashmina and semua tu laaah. i guess semua org pun tahu. I have my own collections :) lagi satu, tak salah nak berfesyen tapi jgn sampai jd victims -.-
6. Apa aksesori tudung yang MESTI ADA?
Tak payah pun takpa. but for some people maybe dia rasa plain if tak pakai aksesori. kalau aina, if ada event ke ape ke, boleh la nak pakai cekak and clips yg comel2 itu :) Actually, one / two brooches are enough :) and jarum is needed bila pakai shawl :P
7. Apa trend/stail tudung yang kurang disukai?
Semua org ada pendapat tersendiri utk yang ni :P sbb setengah org bentuk muka dia elok mcm ni, org ni pulak tak cantik mcm tu. haha! As for me, yang turban mcm Yuna pakai tu kot aina tak berapa suka -.- lain2, its okay!
9. Apa trend/stail tudung yang disukai sekarang?
Trend skrg mcm semua org suka yg loose and messy style tu aina rasa. tapi aina lagi suka yg kemas! simple but nice :) but it depends~ dekat youtube pulak, ada belambak tutorial :P hehe.
Hari-hari? if pegi kelas, aina pakai je shawl, pashmina, tudung bawal, :) agak2 malas nak bentukkan/aturkan/belit2, pakai je tudung syria :P and pernah je pakai tudung awning tu pi kelas~
11. Berikan SATU jenis tudung yang paling disukai dari dulu sampai sekarang?
11. Berikan SATU jenis tudung yang paling disukai dari dulu sampai sekarang?
SATU? I think tudung bawal sesuai utk semua tak kira bila :)
12. Berikan SATU jenis anak tudung yang paling disukai dari dulu sampai sekarang?
SCARF? yang selesa dan yg pasti warna hitam :)
13. Berikan SATU warna tudung yang mesti ada?
HITAM juga :P hihi.
14. Tudung warna apakah yang paling kurang
selesa dipakai?
Errmm, tak sure -.- sbb i used to wear variety of colors. tapi rasanya yg plg jarang kuning and orange >.<
15. Apa nasihat untuk orang yang baru mula memakai tudung?
Nasihat? I am not the best person to give an advice rasanya. never mind :P Buat sesiapa yg baru berjinak-jinak nak pakai tudung, alhamdulillah. teruskan dan kuatkan semangat. ready mentally and physically, sbb nnt ade je lah mulut2 org nak mengata >.< kita bukan tahu kan -.- yang penting niat kita ikhlas kerana Allah. and lastly, istiqamah=tetap hati. Insya'allah!
"And say to the faithful women to lower their gazes, and to guard their private parts, and not to display their adornment except what is apparent of it, and to extend their headcoverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs), and not to display their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or their husband's sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their womenfolk, or what their right hands rule (slaves), or the followers from the men who do not feel sexual desire, or the small children to whom the nakedness of women is not apparent, and not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments. And turn in repentance to Allah together, O you the faithful, in order that you are successful"
Aina Nadiah.
Ehh , itu kawan saya , tain ;)
aina SMKAL eh dulu ?:)
tain itu dormmates saya :)
yes, i was a smaklian bfo i moved to seseri :P
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