Saturday, December 31, 2011

Welcome 2012

A day before New Year :)
Assalamualaikum and Hello.

I know everyone's is counting with new resolutions.

All these things happened during last New Year's fever in Facebook :P tapi semua tulis yang baik-baik belaka. I appreciate it but its okay if you said something you dislike about me +____+ At the moment I'm losing myself. Barely breathe, wanna cry all of sudden, missing each of you dear friends like crazy :(

January, be good to me. pleaassssseeeeee? 
Semoga hari-hari itu cepat berlalu. 

Sesungguhnya, 2011 itu pantas berlalu.
MEMORI : Suka dan duka.

p/s: Dear Fatini, goodluck for your finals. nanti cuti kita storymory!
p/s/s: My uncle wrote my name as Aina Zul in his lappy :P ahha, nama baru. no wonder sbb semua family sebelah ayah saya panggil dia Zul :D LOL.

Selamat Tahun Baru.

Aina Nadiah.


Siti Hajar said...

selamat tahun baru! memories will always be there... =)

fatini.wazir said...

sayang; imissu a lots; xsabar nak storymory. terharuuuu. ada nama i dekat ur new year's post; heeee <3 you

Aina Nadiah said...

Schajar: happy new year to you too :) and even more memories to be created soon!

Aina Nadiah said...

Fatini : IMYT <3 okay, exam dulu, then balik kita cerita :DD